Sunday, 8 January 2012


We had one article concerning tooth decay and we learned a lot, I think now is the time we can move down to the gum and it is my pleasure to introduce this topic BLEEDING GUMS.
These usually occur when the gum are inflamed (gingivitis). This arises when normal tooth care has been neglected to the extent that plaque and tartar (dental calculus) accumulate around the neck of teeth. Occasionally bleeding gums are due to severe vitamin C deficiency (scurvy). Inflamed gums are red, thickened, bulgy and will bleed even on minor tooth brushing. You can’t get rid of tartar by brushing or flossing, but need to have your teeth scaled by your dentist or dental hygienist. Afterwards, resolve to prevent plaque from forming by regular flossing.
One way to prevent bleeding gum is to increase your vitamin C intake. You can Take this vitamin in form of supplements or take it naturally in citrus fruits such as orange or lemon,
You should rinse mouth with salt warm water or mouth fresheners (containing hydrogen peroxide) often.
Brush/rinse away food particles in the mouth after every meal
Brush your teeth with tooth paste twice a day while avoiding hard and fast brushing.
Try to avoid aspirin unless your health care provider recommended that you should take it.
Visit your dentist at least twice per year.